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92: The Trap of Fixation; The Fixation Of The Assemblage Point Consumes Enormous Quantities Of Energy, And Produces A Static Vision Of The World

(Encounters with the Nagual by Armando Torres)

In one of his lectures, Carlos explained that nothing is as fragile as the fixation of the assemblage point. He maintained that the art of agreeing is so special that we spend twenty years of daily training to achieve it. Those who do achieve it, we call ‘adults’, and those who don’t are ‘crazy’.

“However, nothing is easier for us than moving to new universes. To do it, we just have to return to what we were.”

He explained that the fixation of the assemblage point consumes enormous quantities of energy, and produces a static vision of the world. The energy used in that way is dispersed all through our luminosity and it winds up crammed in along its borders, where it forms dense masses that create a reflection of the self. Under these circumstances, to change the fixation becomes an exhausting task.

“To break the trap of fixation, one should try any recourse. In most cases, only a push coming from the outside can cause the movement of a person’s assemblage point. When we have a great, great deal of luck, we receive that push through the blow of a nagual.”

“Once the initial displacement is achieved, the warrior should fight for control of his attention, by means of exercises of intent and practicing dreaming. Dreaming is the escape door for the human race, and it is the only thing that can give our existence its appropriate dimension.”


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