(The Secret of the Plumed Serpent by Armando Torres)
At first, even after having received a great amount of instruction in the healers’ art, I still did not consider myself one. I despaired of my awkwardness and my failure to understand and apply the knowledge that I had received. I felt inept and that troubled me, because whenever it was my turn to attend to someone, a strange pressure which I could only describe as apprehension, nervousness or even anguish took hold of me.
Noticing my frustration, doña Silvia advised:
“Never become obsessed with anything. Enjoy whatever you’re doing. If at any time you feel that it is turning into hard work, put it aside for a while and do something else. You’ll see that the moment to continue with whatever you were doing before will come of its own accord.”
When I told her about my nervousness, she said that I had to let myself go with that feeling. Letting oneself go was in any case the technique of contacting the spirit that guides the healers. Personally I describe it as yielding to the pressure, not putting up resistance. It is a matter of becoming part of the spirit that guides all healers; it means aligning with the emanations sorcerers share.
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