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Toltec Nuggets and Mantras

Toltec Nuggets
  • Intent is present everywhere.
  • Intent is what makes the world.


  • Make yourself available to the spirit by being aware of it.


  • Beckon intent by voicing the word: intent!


  • Intent only comes for something that is abstract.


  • Intent is beckoned with the eyes.


  • We create the world by attention and keep it stable by means of will.
  • We hold the images of the world with our attention.
  • If you don’t focus your attention on the world, the world collapses.


  • Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.


  • The world is a description.
  • We uphold the world with our dialogue.
  • When the internal dialogue stops, the world collapses.


  • The spirit of a warrior is not geared to winning or losing. The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior’s last battle on earth. Thus the outcome matters very little to him.


  •  Knowledge
    • Knowledge and language are separate.
    • Knowledge and thoughts are separate.
    • Knowledge is independent of language.
    • Knowledge is independent of thoughts.


  • A warrior selects the items that makes his world. He selects deliberately, for every item he chooses is a shield.


  • The condition of a warrior is to be aware of everything at all times.
  • Watch everything you do. The very thing that could help you develop your will is amidst all the little things you do.


  • This time I was able to follow the transition from normal awareness to the state of dreaming step by step. What I found most fascinating was the realization that all of us were already permanently there but did not know it.


  • Time is composed of the eagle’s emanations.


  • Constructing the energy body is a work of art.


  • Prepare for the definitive journey.


  • Sensations take priority over the mind.
  • Separate feelings from sentiments.


  • Keep energy layers tight.


  • Intensity is a measure of the warrior. The universe never began, and will never end. But it goes through endless fluctuations of intensity. The universe is itself the chariot of intensity. And one can board it!


  • A warrior is never under siege. To be under siege implies that one has personal possessions that could be blockaded. A warrior has nothing in the world except his impeccability, and impeccability cannot be threatened.


  • Don Juan said that the nagual Elias assured him that the spirit only listened when the speaker speaks in gestures. And gestures do not mean signs or body movements, but acts of true abandon, acts of largesse, of humor. As a gesture for the spirit, sorcerers bring out the best of themselves and silently offer it to the abstract.


  • ‘Reality’ is a ‘doing’, and a doing is measured by its fruits.


  • One of the fundamental precepts of the art of freedom is to avoid excesses.


  • The art of a warrior is to balance the terror of being a man with the wonder of being a man.


  • Persistence defeats apathy.


  • He explained that just below the navel was a key center of power, and that all body movements, including one’s breathing, had to engage this point of energy.
  • Find the true centre of the body.


  • “What’s waiting for us out there, don Juan?”
    His answer, a seemingly innocuous phrase, was more terrifying to me than if he had described the most horrendous thing.
    “Something utterly impersonal.”


  • Coldness is not cruelty or heartlessness, but an unbending detachment.


  • Being deliberate, staying alert, and being aware of every act, every thought and emotion.


  • Intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive. We do not become aware because we perceive; rather, we perceive as a result of the pressure and intrusion of intent.


  • Dreaming is the art of waking up the link with the energy body.
  • The art of the dreamer is the art of attention.
  • Gazing engages the energy body.
  • The totality of the human body is an instrument of perception.


  • The universe is an enormous conscious being that perceives everything at the same time, but in a fragmented way. Each living being is a window of perception; we the conscious beings are those windows
  • We’re a ‘fractalized’ particle of the universe
  • Even though our perception is limited by the ego, we reflect the cosmos in its totality


  • If you talk to yourself, you can’t breathe correctly.
  • A man who controls silence has cleansed his bond with the spirit, and power rains down on him in streams.


Toltec Mantras


Self-importance kills.

The hinge of sorcery is the mystery of the assemblage point.

I am already given
to the power that
rules my fate,
And I cling to nothing,
so I will have nothing
to defend.

I have no thoughts,
so I will see.

And I have no fear,
so I will remember myself.

Detached, and at ease,
I will dart past
the Eagle
to be free.

Ya me di al poder
que a mi destino rige.

No me agarro ya de nada,
para asi no tener nada que defender.

No tengo pensamientos,
para asi poder ver.

No temo ya a nada,
para asi poder acordarme de mi.

Sereno y desprendido,
me dejara
el aguila pasar
a la libertad.

No tengo pensamientos,
para asi poder ver.

No temo ya a nada,
para asi poder acordarme de mi.

Sereno y desprendido,
me dejara
el aguila pasar
a la libertad.


Impeccability is my shield.


Acquiesce elegantly to the designs of the spirit.


The Ten Commandments of the Healers:

I will:

  1. Be good.
  2. Be honest.
  3. Be moral.
  4. Be true.
  5. Be impeccable.
  6. Be patient.
  7. Be detached.
  8. Do good.
  9. Cultivate energy.
  10. Cultivate silence.

Here, don Melchor said:

“The commandments of the healers are like a map to help us save energy.”


“I set upon my will

An unbending intent:

That, once I make a decision,

I shall carry it out to the end

If it costs me my life.

I shall never commit to what is not my will.”


  • I don’t believe that I have an energy body, I feel it! I perceive it! I am the energy body acting through the physical body!
  • I am an energy field.
  • I feel the energy.
  • I perceive the energy.
  • I feel my assemblage point.


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