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195: The Elements Are Real Entities, Powers That Exist By Themselves; Only When One Feels That He Has Paid The Fair Price Does The Path Open Up; It’s We Ourselves Who Determine The Amount That Should Be Paid; Almost Everything That Sorcerers Do Is Possible Of Being Replicated Using The Laws Of Science

(The Universal Spiderweb by Armando Torres)

On one occasion, he said: “With the correct knowledge, it’s possible to maneuver certain aspects of laws to your own benefit.”

“I don’t understand; what kind of maneuvers are you talking about?” I asked. It was obvious that he was trying to provoke me to ask a question.

“Sorcerers discovered that a sequence of events connected by intent becomes powerful; it becomes self- aware. So we could say that the wind or a stream acquires knowledge and becomes a power in itself because it’s no longer just the sum of all its molecules and the forces associated with them, but rather it acquires its own will and becomes an expression of intent. Sorcerers, knowing this, use that power for various ends.”

“But… what kind of will can exist behind a flow of water? That’s obviously a natural phenomenon,” I asked, irritated; I felt confused. He answered, unshaken:

“The shaman takes all movement, wave, or vibration for what it actually is: the expression of some kind of will. If you know how to approach those powers, it’s possible to create a friendly relationship with each one of them.”

“The elements are real entities, powers that exist by themselves, with which it’s possible to maintain a personal relationship. The sorcerer relates directly with the flow of the elements, as if fraternizing with a friend. They do it through rituals, and they offer gifts of good friendship; in that way, they succeed in that the essence of the elements grants them favors.”

After a brief pause, he said in a serious tone, “Nothing is free, everything has a cost. To receive something, you must offer something.”

I told him that, in my case, the healers didn’t charge me anything. In response, he said that not everything was measured in terms of monetary value, and that I’d been paying the price of knowledge from the day I arrived with them.

“For each step that you advance, you should pay conscientiously. To approach intent, we all have to pay the price, which is the daily fight for impeccability. The price that the warrior pays to get connected with intent is not so much in the procedures as in impeccability and perseverance.”

“It’s interesting to notice that, only when one feels that he has paid the fair price does the path open up. The curious thing is that in a certain way, it’s we ourselves who determine the amount that should be paid.”

I asked him about the practical use of that knowledge. He said: “Sorcerers see how everything is vibrating at a certain frequency; the thoughts that are emitted are like radio waves that can be perceived.”

“In fact, almost everything that sorcerers do is possible of being replicated using the laws of science. For example, it’s perfectly viable to capture thought waves, or to locally cancel the law of the gravity, or even to use energy to be transported some distance. I think that some day the scientists will find the way.”

“Does that mean that sorcerers see thoughts like waves?” I asked, trying to understand what he was saying.

“It’s more like a sensation,” he explained, “that’s perceived as a flow. Thoughts, very often, are associated with emotions that are expelled outside of the energy cocoon as if they were waves or clouds of different colors and temperatures, so sorcerers know what to look for and what to avoid.”

“Seers know the intention hidden behind words by seeing their colors; this is how they know what’s behind what people say. For that reason, it’s very difficult to deceive a sorcerer.”

“The feelings associated with the words are of a certain color, and sometimes they come accompanied with waves of heat or cold. The foolish chatterboxes are seen as a muddy blur of mixed colors, like in some modern paintings. Contemplative people’s thoughts, on the other hand, are seen with different colors, but there’s less agitation in their interior.”


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