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148: Turning The Act Of Eating Into A Deliberate Intent Of Awareness

(The Universal Spiderweb by Armando Torres)

Another immediate practice that anyone can put to use is to perceive the eating and digestion process from another perspective. That can be accomplished by turning the act of eating into a deliberate intent of awareness. The objective is to be aware of each mouthful of food, from the process of the chewing and swallowing of the food, to the point where one can distinguish how it goes through the esophagus and digestive system. It’s even possible to perceive how the blood absorbs the nutrients, as well as the route the waste takes as it proceeds all the way through to the final expulsion from the body. Although the process is simple, in the beginning a tremendous discipline and force of will is required from the participant to carry out such exercise. This procedure is almost as difficult to pull off as recapitulation is in its initial stage.


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