H1: Hit Slap
Start in Horse Position. One hand strikes palm out straight in front. The other hand strikes down flat in front. Place one hand in front, face level, palm out, and the other in front, hip level, palm down. The top hand turns over, and slaps down to the symmetric position that the other hand was just in.
Kylie explained that more force is generated if the hand is turned over as part of the slap. At the same time, the lower hand also rotates, swings around, back, and slaps into the symmetric position the other hand was just in.
The slaps are first up hand to down (the “hit”), and then down hand to up (the “slap”). It should go as the title suggests: “hit slap, hit slap, hit slap, hit slap, …” Keep going. both hands move at the same time.
As you do it, accelerate. The elbows stay bent on the hit. The intent is to wake up and alert the energy body. (Also, sudden moves like this are alleged to frighten away flyers…)
H2: Hip Strikes
Stand feet apart, toes in, knees out, and slight squat in Horse Position. (in a proper horse position the feet should be out of sight)
Face the hips angled left, torso angled right, arms out to the right, facing right. Snap the arms in to the left hip while the hips shift w/strong force from left to right. Face left, arms left, and snap arms in to right hip while hips snap swivel to left. Keep going for a long time. The key to the move is the hip motion, not the arm motion.
H3: Turning Energy Up and Down
This move is similar to the hit slap. One hand is held out in front, at waist level, palm up, as if you are holding a ball. The other hand swings around and slaps down at the “ball”, striking it. The point of strike is at an angle, about 45degrees, a foot above the open hand (maybe the size of a basketball or volley ball). The hands then reverse, the hand that just slapped, drops to flat palm up, while the other swings around and strikes. Keep going for a while, with steady acceleration.
H4: Building The Energy Body/House
(This move is to define & build the energy body)
Stand in Horse Position. The arms swing up, around, behind, and strike out in front, palms up, waist level. The hands then turn over (to palm down), come together crossed, and strike out sideways. The hands then turn over (to palm up), come together in the center, and strike up, to face level. The hands then turn over, come together crossed, and strike out sideways. again the hands come together in center, palms stay down, and strike down to center. The move then repeats with the arms swinging around, behind and striking out in front. Continue for awhile with steady acceleration.
H5: Axing Energy
Hands at side. Swing arms and slap the hands together. Clasp hands together with right hand under and leading, and squeeze hard. Raise clasped hands up to right shoulder. Sweep down to lower left, like swinging an axe (seemed to me more like swinging a samurai sword). Then swing full circle counter clock wise. Finish with a thrust straight out to strike the energy body. Keep elbows bent. Repeat a few times. accelerate as you repeat.
H6: Storing Energy
Stand in Horse Position. Deep breath in while you slap hands together. Right palm up, left palm down, and crossed (fingers at 90degree angle), and fingers wrapped around the other hand. Hands at chest level. Really squeeze the palms hard. You should shake/quiver with the force of the tension. The left shoulder will be pushed up by this. Strike straight out with exhale. Continue exhale with clockwise rotation of the hands in a circle in front. Strike (pull) inwards with exhale and the arms into gut level. Breath out any remaining air, and really squeeze hard. All concentration should go into the squeeze. Hold for a moment. The entire move is a breath out, after the initial inhale. Repeat several times.
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