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1995 Longmont

Hip Strikes

Stand feet apart, toes in, knees out, and slight squat in Horse Position. (in a proper horse position the feet should be out of sight)

Face the hips angled left, torso angled right, arms out to the right, facing right. Snap the arms in to the left hip while the hips shift w/strong force from left to right. Face left, arms left, and snap arms in to right hip while hips snap swivel to left. Keep going for a long time. The key to the move is the hip motion, not the arm motion.


Fluidity Foot (Version 1)

stand left foot forward, knee bent. Right foot out sideways, knee straight, heel on ground, toes pointed to the sky. Twist the toes to the left, and insole up (so you can see arch), while turning torso full to the right. Hold for count of ten. Relax. Shake the leg out. Repeat a minimum of three times, 5 to 10 reps prefered. Then switch feet. Keep hips facing forward.


Fluidity Foot (Version 2)

Stand left foot forward, knee bent. Right foot forward, knee straight, heel on ground, toes pointed to the sky. Twist the toes to the left, and insole up (so you can see arch), while turning torso full to the left. stretch and hold for count of ten. Relax. Shake out leg. Repeat three times minimum, 5 to 10 reps prefered, and then switch feet. Keep hips facing forward.

The intent of these moves is to raise the awareness out of the feet by using the toes to reach for the sky. They are specifically for repairing the depredations of the “flyers”.

Kylie said while turning the torso in variation 1 & 2, to make sure you keep the hips facing forward.


Heel Toe

Start from horse position. Shift entire weight to left leg and balance. Place right leg out in front, heel to ground. Shift right leg to rear, touching toes to ground. Keep shifting back and forth. Go for maximum reach. Raise knee and foot high during the transition. Keep body steady. The left leg and torso should remain motionless. Don’t bob up and down. The arms may swing for balance, with the opposite arm following the moving leg. Do minimum of 5-10 reps, 20 front/back reps per side preferred. Count it 1,1,2,2,…20,20. Then switch.


Sweep Foot

Start from horse position. Shift entire weight to left leg and balance. Sweep the right foot in an arc back and forth. Keep the foot flat to the ground. Keep sweeping for a long time, minimum of 10 full swings back and forth. Shake the legs out. Then switch sides.


Gathering Energy

Similar to sweep foot, except now the foot sweeps in a circle. Sweep “in” first with the right foot (CCW direction). This gathers energy. Then disperse it by sweeping out (CW direction for right foot). continue for a long time before switching directions. Then switch to left foot. Sweep in first (CW) and then later, out (CCW). Foot should remain flat to the ground.


Pawing Ground

Stand in Horse Position. Shift weight to the left leg, knee bent, with the other foot, paw the ground. The arms and body do nothing. Just keep pawing. Continue for a long time. When you start to feel foolish, keep going. When you start to feel tired, keep going. When you start to feel like it’s taking forever, keep going. When you’re internally silent, and have lost all hope, then switch to the other side.


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