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Warriors Decision


THE WARRIOR’S DECISION February 14, 2013


Opening: Gathering the Cloak of Confidence

(Hands at center, like holding a ball from both sides)


  1. a) Breathe in as the right open hand goes all the way behind you. Breathe out as it gathers energy from the lower disk and brings it to the V-spot.

Breathe in as the right hand goes back again. Breathe out as it gathers energy from the chest area and brings it to the V-spot.


  1. b) Breathe in as the right hand goes back a third time. Breathe in as it gathers energy from the shoulder area and brings it to the V-spot.


  1. c) Right hand vibrates at the V-spot as you breathe in fully, breathe out fully, and breathe in once again.

Breathe out as the hand circles in toward the chest, wrapping the open left hand, three times, ending up behind the left hand.


  1. d) Close the left hand in a fist and circle three more times in the same direction.


  1. e) Breathe in as the left fisted hand performs the same motions as the left hand performed, but on the left side.


  1. f) After the left gathering, fist vibrates as you breathe in, out, in. Then breathe out as the left fisted hand circles out away from the chest, wrapping the open right hand, three times, ending up behind the right hand. Close the right hand in a fist and circle three more times in the same direction.


Attacking The Decision

Group 1

a)Left fist extends and right fist comes behind the head in a ready position as you breathe in.

  1. b) Lunge punch forward on the left twice. Right foot steps through as the right fist swings around, gathering energy.
  2. c) Right elbow strike out. Draw back the right foot and right hand. Shuffle forward with the right foot and punch with the right hand. Turn 180 degrees to the left, left foot up in cat stance.


Group 2

  1. a) Right foot steps up level with the left. Left foot steps back to the right diagonal, right foot up in cat stance.
  2. b) Hands switch position (Right leading).
  3. c) Left foot step up level with the right. Right foot steps back to the left diagonal, left foot up in cat stance.
  4. d) Hands switch position (Left leading).


  1. e) Shuffle forward slowly twice with the left foot pulling.
  2. f) Kick with the left. Kick with the right, stepping thru on the right.
  3. g) Turn 180 degrees to the left, left foot up in cat stance. Shift weight to the left foot as you kick back with the right. Step thru on the right. Turn 180 degrees to the left, left foot up in cat stance.
  4. h) Turn 90 degrees to the right. Breathe in as you bring the right foot up, breathe out as you place it down. i)Breathe in as you bring the left foot up, breathe out as you place it down. Swing the right foot up and around 180 degrees.


  1. j) Breathe in as you open the arms, hands in fists, pointing up. Breathe out as you push fists to the left.
  2. k) Breathe in as you come back center. Breathe out as you push fists right. Turn 90 degrees to the left, left foot up, in cat stance


Group 3

  1. a) Step forward three times as fists pull energy into the V-spot. Step back three times with same fist motion.
  2. b) Kick with the right foot, stepping thru. Breathe in as you open the arms, hands in fists, pointing up.
  3. c) Step forward with the left, swing the left fist out, gathering energy for the V-spot. Swing right fist out to the same area.
  4. d) Crossed arms shoot out in fists to both sides, look to the right.
  5. e) Turn to the left, left foot up in cat stance.



Group 4

  1. a) Hop back twice. Turn 180 degrees to the right, right foot up in cat stance.
  2. b) Kick with the left. Kick with the right. Left foot stomps forward twice.
  3. c) Turn to the back 180 degrees to the right. Strike with the right elbow twice.
  4. d) Turn back 180 degrees with the right side and gather energy with the left fist, then gather energy in the same area with the right fist.
  5. e) Step 90 degrees to the right and gather energy with the left fist, looking left. Breathe in fully and out fully.
  6. f) Look to the right. Cross step to the right with the left, right, left.
  7. g) Breathe in and breathe out as you turn to face a new decision on the right as the hands come down to the sides facing forward.


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