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Old Shamans Code


The magical passes for “not-doing” called “On The Run” are arranged here in a sequence, which has remained unchanged since time immemorial. This new format of instruction, which Don Juan Matus called “The Old Shaman’s Code”, was a special arrangement of the magical passes for not-doing, purported to create truthful lagoons of inner silence and awareness into which practitioners of the past entered and experienced unequaled well-being and alertness. For those who succeed in vanquishing self-reflection altogether, The Old Shaman’s Code will become something insuperable.

A team of Tensegrity instructors called “Awareness Through Harmony” taught the Code in 1997, as follows: Denver Colorado on October 4; New York on October 11-12; and, Mexico City in December.

There are 6 sets of magical passes. Each set begins with opening movements followed by 3 magical passes in code sequence, then the closing movements. Opening movements are done somewhat horizontally, fingers pointing toward the feet. Closing movements are done vertically, perpendicular to the body, toward the zenith. Some are done 6 times, others12 times. The leg retracts and extends at a 45-degree angle to vertical throughout. These movements are all done lying on the back. Begin with the R leg and R hand first, unless otherwise noted.

First Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Hands Circle: Palms face each other, above vitals, fingers pointing towards feet and palms about an inch or two apart. Inhale as both arms circle 6X outwards, away from each other and back to original position. Exhale as the flat palms alternately strike-and-rub each other forcefully back and forth, 3X each side, R hand striking first towards the feet. Inhale as palms come together, then, strike forcefully with hands together towards feet. Separate hands with tension to just beyond shoulder-width, then, cup hands and bring energy to v-spot. Exhaling, hold or shimmer fingers in front of the v-spot then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Skim To Opposite Hip (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Flat palm, skimming above body, from the breast, strikes diagonally down and across the opposite vital center to the groin area. R arm strikes as R leg retracts, L arm strikes as R leg extends. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Soft Fists to Side (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Start with arms straight out to the sides at a 45-degree angle, hands at hip level. Retract R leg and bring hands up to the side vital centers. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands simultaneously grab energy at the vitals, making fists. Forearms strike out to the sides, just beyond shoulder-width, with soft part of fist (as if yanking a rope) while the leg extends. Hands and leg return to starting position between movements. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Point to Opposite Side (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): Retract R leg and raise R hand to chest, palm facing the feet and fingers pointing towards the L with the wrist flexed at 90 degrees. Push palm down to R vital center as the R leg extends. The non-striking palm covers the side vital center. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Closing – Hands Circle: Palms face each other, above vitals, fingers pointing to the zenith and palms about an inch or two apart. Inhale as both arms circle 6X inwards, away from each other and back to original position. Exhale as the flat palms alternately strike-and-rub each other forcefully back and forth, 3X each side, R hand striking first to the zenith. Inhale as palms come together, then, strike forcefully with hands together to the zenith. Separate hands with tension to just beyond shoulder-width, then, cup hands and bring energy to v-spot. Exhaling, hold or shimmer fingers in front of the v-spot then bring hands back to the sides of the body.

Second Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Fingers Interlock: Palms flat on the side of the rib cage, fingers apart, move toward each other and fingers interlock. Interlocked hands shoot down then are pulled upwards with force, with palms toward chin. Make 6 inward circles while rotating the shoulders backward. Strike down to feet with interlocked fingers. Separate hands with tension, and bring energy to the v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Slap the Table (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): R arm bent at the elbow moves next to ear, palm facing the zenith, as R leg retracts. Then R palm slaps forward until palm faces the feet while R leg extends. Non-striking hand covers the same side vital center. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Twist and Grab Energy (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both hands from the groin area move slowly toward the vitals and make a pregnant belly as R leg retracts. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands, making fists, simultaneously grab energy at the vitals then extend upwards very slowly to the zenith. Hands open, fingers twist outwards and grab energy in a scooping motion, making fists, then slowly bring it to the vitals as the R leg slowly extends. Hands open and apply energy to the vitals just before the leg reaches the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms alternating, Legs sequential): Alternating hands strike from beside the ears to the zenith like a knife (palms facing opposite side) as the same-side leg retracts or extends with each strike. Begin by bringing R hand up and retracting R leg. Strike with R hand as R leg extends. Strike with L hand as R leg retracts. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Closing – Fingers Interlock: Palms flat on the side of the rib cage slightly above solar plexus area, fingers apart, move toward each other and fingers interlock. Make 6 outward circles from the solar plexus area to over the head and back with interlocked hands while rotating the shoulders forward. Strike to the zenith with interlocked hands. Separate hands with tension to just beyond shoulder-width then bring energy with cupped hands to the v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.

Third Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Fists: Hands are fisted at the shoulders near the axillae with elbows extended to the sides. Make 6X backward shoulder rolls. Beginning with the R hand punch alternately toward the feet, 3X each side. Pull both fists up to chest level then punch once with both fists simultaneously toward the feet. Bring energy with fists to the v-spot, hold then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Hand Over Hand (Arms unison; Legs unison): Retract both legs as hands flat on the side of the chest slide together with R palm on the back of the L hand. Slowly and forcefully push hands toward the zenith, wrists above the v‑spot and palms facing the feet. Arms end up in diving position toward zenith with shoulders off the floor. Then slowly extend both legs while hands retract. Hands and legs reach their original positions simultaneously. Repeat 6X, alternating hand on top. Mirror L.
  1. Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both palms are next to the ears with palms facing the opposite side. Hands strike simultaneously to the zenith like a knife. Shoulders may come off the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Slap the Table (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Arms bent at the elbow move next to the ears, palms facing the zenith, as R leg retracts. Both palms slap forward until palms face the feet as the R leg extends.  Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Closing – Fists: Hands are fisted at the side near the vital centers with elbows extended to the sides. Make 6X forward shoulder rolls. Beginning with the R hand punch alternately toward the zenith, 3X each side. Bring both fists to chest level then punch once with both fists simultaneously towards the zenith. Bring energy with fists to the v-spot, hold then bring hands back to the sides of the body.

Fourth Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Fists Across: Fisted hands raised above chest, knuckles facing about 2 inches apart, elbows extended to sides, palms facing feet, make 6 backward shoulder rolls (like rowing). Both fists make independent inward rotations of wrists 6X, fisted hands alternate striking down toward opposite leg 3X each side then make rapid circles fist-over-fist above abdomen toward the face. Bring energy with fists to v-spot. Hold keeping hands in fists then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Push Crossed Wrists (Arms unison; Legs unison): While both legs retract, hands flat on the sides of the chest slide toward each other, meet and wrists cross with open palms facing feet, R on top. Palms slowly and forcefully push down and towards the groin as legs extend in slow motion. Raise the head and watch hands pushing. Repeat 6X, alternating hand on top.
  1. Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): R leg retracts as R hand strikes from beside the ear to the zenith with the edge of the hand, as though hurling a knife. Non-striking hand covers the same side vital center without touching. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Slap the Table (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Arms bent at the elbow move next to the ears, palms facing the zenith. Retract R leg and slap forward with L palm. As R leg extends slap with R palm and return L palm to starting position. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Closing – Fists Across: Fisted hands raised above solar plexus, knuckles facing about 2 inches apart, elbows extended to sides, palms facing feet, make 6 forward shoulder rolls (like rowing). Both fists make independent outward rotations of wrists 6X, fisted hands alternate striking up toward opposite side 3X each side then make rapid circles fist-over-fist above abdomen toward feet. Bring energy with fists to v-spot. Hold keeping hands in fists then bring hands back to the sides of the body.

Fifth Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Wrists Flip: Wrists held against sides of rib cage, palms facing each other, fingers pointing toward the feet. Hands flexing at the wrists flip back toward the shoulders, then flip forward to starting position. Cross arms R elbow above L elbow hands falling on opposite shoulders. Make 6 circular shoulder rolls backward. Hands at sides of the body independently rotate with an inward motion 6X. Hands in unison cut 12X from shoulder to feet with palms down. Bring energy with cupped hands to v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Back Fist to Sides (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both hands from the groin area make a pregnant belly towards the vitals while R leg retracts. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands, making fists, simultaneously grab energy at the vitals. Raise hands to vertical and strike forcefully with the back of the fists to just beyond shoulder width as the R leg extends to the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Soft Fists to Ground (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both arms are on the floor at a 45-degree angle, palms up. Bring hands over vitals as R leg slowly retracts and slowly grab energy with both fists, palms facing the feet. Fists push out slowly to the sides at shoulder level as though pulling apart a rope. Leg reaches full retraction just as the soft part of both fists touch the floor. Fists slide along floor and R leg slowly extends until they reach starting position, then the hands open. (The arms are held very tight throughout.) Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Teepee (Arms unison; Legs unison): Perform the following as both legs slowly retract: With elbows out to the sides, slide hands up rib cage until the three middle fingers join fingers pointing toward zenith. Slowly raise both hands palm-to-palm to zenith until arms are fully extended with shoulder blades off the floor. Then slowly extend legs to floor as the hands slowly return to the sides of the body. Repeat 6X.
  1. Closing – Wrists Flip: Wrists held against sides of rib cage, palms facing each other, fingers pointing toward the feet. Hands flexing at the wrists flip back toward the shoulders, then flip forward to starting position. Cross arms L elbow above R elbow hands falling on opposite shoulders. Do 6 circular shoulder rolls forward. Hands at sides of the body independently rotate with an outward motion 6X. Hands in unison cut 12X from feet to shoulder with palms flat and facing each other. Bring energy with cupped hands to v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.

Sixth Set of Magical Passes with Opening and Closing

  1. Opening – Fanning: Fingers pointing at each other about an inch apart above the chest, palms facing feet, elbows out to sides, make 6 backward shoulder rolls. Palms turn towards the v-spot, R over L, L closer to the body. Make rapid inward circles hand-over-hand (fanning) for a count of 6 then stop with R hand closer to the v-spot. Alternately slide hands one above the other towards the opposite side, L over R then R over L, 3X each side, moving arms down with each motion until hands reach lower abdomen (as if hands are moving in and out of a cylinder). Hands strike 6X in unison from above the chest to the thighs with palms flat and facing down. Bring energy with cupped hands to the v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.
  1. Skim to Opposite Knee (Arms alternate; Legs alternate): The flat L palm slides diagonally across the body from the breast toward the R hip. The R leg retracts allowing the L palm to slide along the inner thigh and past the raised R knee as the head is raised off the floor. Mirror L. Repeat 6X, alternating.
  1. Point to Opposite Side (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Hands face feet with wrists flexed back 90 degrees, fingers pointing toward opposite side. R hand is at vitals and L hand is at chest level. As R leg retracts, raise R hand to chest and push L hand down to vital center. Push R hand from chest level down to vital center as R leg extends and return L hand to chest level. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Point to Opposite Side (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Hands face feet with wrists flexed back 90 degrees, fingers pointing toward opposite side. Raise both hands to chest level as R leg retracts, then push hands down to vital centers as R leg extends. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
  1. Closing – Fanning: Fingers pointing at each other about an inch apart above the solar plexus, palms facing feet, elbows out to sides, make 6 forward shoulder rolls. Palms turn towards solar plexus, L over R, R closer to the body. Make rapid outward circles hand-over-hand (fanning) for a count of 6, then, stop with L hand closer to the body. Hands slide one above the other towards the opposite side, alternating L over R then R over L, 3X each side, moving arms upward with each motion until hands reach chin (as if hands are moving in and out of a cylinder). Hands strike 6X in unison from above the thighs to above the head with palms flat and facing forward. Bring energy from above with cupped hands to v-spot. Hold or shimmer fingers then bring hands back to the sides of the body.



On The Run Magical Passes and Sequences for the Old Shaman’s Code

One can learn The Old Shaman’s Code by memorizing the following
  1. On The Run passes by number. See Table 1 and Table 3, below.
  2. The opening and closing movements for each set. See above and Table 2, below.
  3. The numbered sequence of On The Run passes in each set of The Old Shaman’s Code. For example, Set #1 contains passes 7, 9 and 11 in that order. See Table 2, below.


‘On the Run’ Pass

Arms & Legs

1 Back Fist to Sides (AU, LS)
2 Twist and Grab Energy (AU, LU)
3 Throw Knife to Zenith (AS, LS)
4 Throw Knife to Zenith (AA, LS)
5 Throw Knife to Zenith (AU, LS)
6 Teepee (AU, LU)
7 Skim to Opposite Hip (AA, LS)
8 Skim to Opposite Knee (AA, LA)
9 Soft Fists to Side (AU, LS)
10 Soft Fists to Ground (AU, LS)
11 Point to Opposite Side (AS, LS)
12 Point to Opposite Side (AA, LS)
13 Point to Opposite Side (AU, LS)
14 Push Crossed Wrists (AU, LU)
15 Slap the Table (AS, LS)
16 Slap the Table (AA, LS)
17 Slap the Table (AU, LS)
18 Hand Over Hand (AU, LU)

Table 1 – On The Run Passes in Numerical Order




‘On the Run’ Pass

Arms & Legs

1 Hands Circle 7 Skim to Opposite Hip (AA, LS)
7-9-11 9 Soft Fists to Side (AU, LS)
11 Point to Opposite Side (AS, LS)
2 Fingers Interlock 15 Slap the Table (AS, LS)
15-2-4 2 Twist and Grab Energy (AU, LU)
4 Throw Knife to Zenith (AA, LS)
3 Fists 18 Hand Over Hand (AU, LU)
18-5-17 5 Throw Knife to Zenith (AU, LS)
17 Slap the Table (AU, LS)
4 Fists Across 14 Push Crossed Wrists (AU, LU)
14-3-16 3 Throw Knife to Zenith (AS, LS)
16 Slap the Table (AA, LS)
5 Wrists Flip 1 Back Fist to Sides (AU, LS)
1-10-6 10 Soft Fists to Ground (AU, LS)
6 Teepee (AU, LU)
6 Fanning 8 Skim to Opposite Knee (AA, LA)
8-12-13 12 Point to Opposite Side (AA, LS)
13 Point to Opposite Side (AU, LS)

Table 2 – The Old Shaman’s Code & On The Run


Table 3: – On The Run Passes & Descriptions in Numerical Order

1 Back Fist to Sides (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both hands from the groin area make a pregnant belly towards the vitals while R leg retracts. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands, making fists, simultaneously grab energy at the vitals. Raise hands to vertical and strike forcefully with the back of the fists to just beyond shoulder width as the R leg extends to the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
2 Twist and Grab Energy (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both hands from the groin area move slowly toward the vitals and make a pregnant belly as R leg retracts. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands, making fists, simultaneously grab energy at the vitals then extend upwards very slowly to the zenith. Hands open, fingers twist outwards and grab energy in a scooping motion, making fists, then slowly bring it to the vitals as the R leg slowly extends. Hands open and apply energy to the vitals just before the leg reaches the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
3 Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): R leg retracts as R hand strikes from beside the ear to the zenith with the edge of the hand, as though hurling a knife. Non-striking hand covers the same side vital center without touching. Repeat 6X.

Mirror L

4 Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms alternating, Legs sequential): Alternating hands strike from beside the ears to the zenith like a knife (palms facing opposite side) as the same-side leg retracts or extends with each strike. Begin by bringing R hand up and retracting R leg. Strike with R hand as R leg extends. Strike with L hand as R leg retracts. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
5 Throw Knife to Zenith (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both palms are next to the ears with palms facing the opposite side. Hands strike simultaneously to the zenith like a knife. Shoulders may come off the floor. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
6 Teepee (Arms unison; Legs unison): Perform the following as both legs slowly retract: With elbows out to the sides, slide hands up rib cage until the three middle fingers join fingers pointing toward zenith. Slowly raise both hands palm-to-palm to zenith until arms are fully extended with shoulder blades off the floor.  Then slowly extend legs to floor as the hands slowly return to the sides of the body. Repeat 6X.
7 Skim to Opposite Hip (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Flat palm, skimming above body, from the breast, diagonally strike down and across opposite vital center (groin area). R arm strikes as R leg retracts, L arm strikes as R leg extends. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
8 Skim to Opposite Knee (Arms alternate; Legs alternate): The flat L palm slides diagonally across the body from the breast toward the R hip. The R leg retracts allowing the L palm to slide along the inner thigh and past the raised R knee as the head is raised off the floor. Mirror L. Repeat 6X, alternating.
9 Soft Fists to Side (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Start with arms straight out to the sides at a 45-degree angle, hands at hip level. Retract R leg and bring hands up to the side vital centers. Leg reaches full retraction just as both hands simultaneously grab energy at the vitals, making fists. Forearms strike out to the sides, just beyond shoulder-width, with soft part of fist (as if yanking a rope) while the leg extends. Hands and leg return to starting position between movements. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
10 Soft Fists to Ground (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Both arms are on the floor at a 45-degree angle, palms up. Bring hands over vitals as R leg slowly retracts and slowly grab energy with both fists, palms facing the feet. Fists push out slowly to the sides at shoulder level as though pulling apart a rope. Leg reaches full retraction just as the soft part of both fists touch the floor. Fists slide along floor and R leg slowly extends until they reach starting position, then the hands open. (The arms are held very tight throughout.) Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
11 Point to Opposite Side (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): Retract R leg and raise R hand to chest, palm facing the feet and fingers pointing towards the L with the wrist flexed at 90 degrees. Push palm down to R vital center as the R leg extends. The non-striking palm covers the side vital center. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
12 Point to Opposite Side (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Hands face feet with wrists flexed back 90 degrees, fingers pointing toward opposite side. R hand is at vitals and L hand is at chest level. As R leg retracts, raise R hand to chest and push L hand down to vital center. Push R hand from chest level down to vital center as R leg extends and return L hand to chest level. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
13 Point to Opposite Side (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Hands face feet with wrists flexed back 90 degrees, fingers pointing toward opposite side. Raise both hands to chest level as R leg retracts, then push hands down to vital centers as R leg extends. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
14 Push Crossed Wrists (Arms unison; Legs unison): While both legs retract, hands flat on the sides of the chest slide toward each other, meet and wrists cross with open palms facing feet, R on top. Palms slowly and forcefully push down and towards the groin as legs extend in slow motion. Raise the head and watch hands pushing. Repeat 6X, alternating hand on top.
15 Slap the Table (Arms sequential; Legs sequential): R arm bent at the elbow moves next to ear, palm facing the zenith, as R leg retracts. Then R palm slaps forward until palm faces the feet while R leg extends. Non-striking hand covers the same side vital center. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
16 Slap the Table (Arms alternate; Legs sequential): Arms bent at the elbow move next to the ears, palms facing the zenith. Retract R leg and slap forward with L palm. As R leg extends slap with R palm and return L palm to starting position. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
17 Slap the Table (Arms unison; Legs sequential): Arms bent at the elbow move next to the ears, palms facing the zenith, as R leg retracts. Both palms slap forward until palms face the feet as the R leg extends. Repeat 6X. Mirror L.
18 Hand Over Hand (Arms unison; Legs unison): Retract both legs as hands flat on the side of the chest slide together with R palm on the back of the L hand. Slowly and forcefully push hands toward the zenith, wrists above the v‑spot and palms facing the feet. Arms end up in diving position toward zenith with shoulders off the floor. Then slowly extend both legs while hands retract. Hands and legs reach their original positions simultaneously. Repeat 6X, alternating hand on top. Mirror L.


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