The energy body pass.
- Perform; “Awakening the centre of feeling”(from the second video), then: The right hand is still on top of the left hand at pancreatic level after the final strike of the above move; circle whole right arm backwards with a forward left step, leaving the hand palm up next to the left hand.
- Full right step ahead with a large left arm inward circle (back and down) to the same position, palm facing down.
- Reverse that last move and then the one before it [except that the left leg goes back behind, not to parallel]. The left palm should now be found next to the right hand, which is palm down.
- The left leg comes up parallel as the hands come up in front of the face, palms forward; one then floats shimmering fingers down as low as possible to the ground, using a squat.
- The left foot steps forward with the right arm going to the top left hand side of the energy body’s head, which is facing the practitioner. The right foot comes parallel with the left hand moving in a mirroring of the right hand’s action; so that the top of the energy head is protected.
- With the right hand, form it’s left side down to the base of the neck, left.
- Acting in tandem the hands trace to the shoulders and round the shoulders with wrist movements; inward, outward. The extended arms of the double are traced out, (here is Icarus); over and under to the armpits.
- The hands adjust so they trace down the trunk to waist level where the hips are formed by using the left hand to go around and form the buttocks as the right hand forms the groin, mirror. This is like twisting a horizontal disc, which it actually is, around and back. Palms are tracing again as they trace the outsides of the legs only to the knees, where another in and out rounding motion of the hands moulds the knees.
- The right arm swings back and comes soaring over the shoulder with the hand twisting inward, palm out. It strikes at the gap level of the energy body. It gathers energy into its palm by turning the palm to face up at the heart level of the energy body which faces you.
- The heart is moulded with a little inward twist, then the right forearm swivels inward and down, close in to the right side of the torso; articulating with the elbow in a scooping action. The right hand should now be pointing down and facing out, next to the liver.
- It reverses back up and doesn’t stop at the zenith but continues all the-way down, making a full outward circle; it doesn’t lose momentum, but twisting the hand outwardly and finally stopping edge-on with the pinky finger before the eyes.
- The left mirrors this windmill-like pass.
- Wrists cross, and one gazes between the backs of the hands; they uncross, separating to a bit past shoulder width when, with a step forward of the left leg, the practitioner forges together the energy body in a waist level strike with the hands.
- In a moment, the right leg simply steps up parallel and the body steps into, and absorbs, the energy body, or the energy wake of the energy body.
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