(Magical Passes by Carlos Castaneda)
In the belief of shamans, the energy of the two sides of the body is different. The energy of the left is portrayed as being undular (wave-like), and the energy of the right as being circular.
“Every center of energy in the body,” he replied, “shows a concentration of energy; a sort of vortex of energy, like a funnel that actually seems to rotate counter-clockwise from the perspective of the seer who gazes into it. The strength of a particular center depends on the force of that movement. If it barely moves, the center is exhausted, depleted of energy.”
“When the sorcerers of ancient times,” don Juan continued, “were scanning the body with their seeing eye, they noticed the presence of those vortexes. They became very curious about them, and made a map of them.”
“Are there many such centers in the body, don Juan?” I asked.
“There are hundreds of them,” he replied, “if not thousands! One can say that a human being is nothing else but a conglomerate of thousands of twirling vortexes, some of them so very small that they are, let’s say, like pinholes, but very important pinholes. Most of the vortexes are vortexes of energy. Energy flows freely through them, or is stuck in them. There are, however, six which are so enormous that they deserve special treatment. They are centers of life and vitality. Energy there is never stuck, but sometimes the supply of energy is so scarce that the center barely rotates.”
Don Juan explained that those enormous centers of vitality were located on six areas of the body. He enumerated them in terms of the importance that shamans accorded them. The first was on the area of the liver and gallbladder; the second on the area of the pancreas and spleen; the third on the area of the kidneys and adrenals; and the fourth on the hollow spot at the base of the neck on the frontal part of the body. The fifth was around the womb, and the sixth was on the top of the head.
The fifth center, pertinent only to women, had, according to what don Juan said, a special kind of energy that gave sorcerers the impression of liquidness. It was a feature that only some women had. It seemed to serve as a natural filter that screened out superfluous influences.
The sixth center, located on top of the head, don Juan described as something more than an anomaly, and refrained absolutely from having anything to do with it. He portrayed it as possessing not a circular vortex of energy, like the others, but a pendulumlike, back-and-forth movement somehow reminiscent of the beating of a heart.
“Why is the energy of that center so different, don Juan?” I asked him.
“That sixth center of energy,” he said, “doesn’t quite belong to man. You see, we human beings are under siege, so to speak. That center has been taken over by an invader, an unseen predator. And the only way to overcome this predator is by fortifying all the other centers.”
“Isn’t it a bit paranoiac to feel that we are under siege, don Juan?” I asked.
“Well maybe for you, but certainly not for me,” he replied. “I see energy, and I see that the energy over the center on the top of the head doesn’t fluctuate like the energy of the other centers. It has a back-and-forth movement, quite disgusting, and quite foreign. I also see that in a sorcerer who has been capable of vanquishing the mind, which sorcerers call a foreign installation, the fluctuation of that center has become exactly like the fluctuation of all the others.”
Don Juan, throughout the years of my apprenticeship, systematically refused to talk about that sixth center. On this occasion when he was telling me about the centers of vitality, he dismissed my frantic probes, rather rudely, and began to talk about the fourth center, the center for decisions.
“This fourth center,” he said, “has a special type of energy, which appears to the eye of the seer as possessing a unique transparency, something that could be described as resembling water: energy so fluid that it seems liquid. The liquid appearance of this special energy is the mark of a filterlike quality of the center for decisions itself, which screens any energy coming to it, and draws from it only the aspect of it that is liquidlike. Such a quality of liquidness is a uniform and consistent feature of this center. Sorcerers also call it the watery center.
“The rotation of the energy at the center for decisions is the weakest of them all,” he went on. “That’s why man can rarely decide anything. Sorcerers see that after they practice certain magical passes, that center becomes active, and they can certainly make decisions to their hearts’ content, while they couldn’t even take a first step before.”
Don Juan was quite emphatic about the fact that the shamans of ancient Mexico had an aversion that bordered on phobia about touching their own hollow spot at the base of the neck. The only way in which they accepted any interference whatsoever with that spot was through the use of their magical passes, which reinforce that center by bringing dispersed energy to it, clearing away, in this manner, any hesitation in decision making born out of the natural energy dispersion brought about by the wear and tear of everyday life.
“A human being,” don Juan said, “perceived as a conglomerate of energy fields, is a concrete and scaled unit into which no energy can be injected, and from which no energy can escape. The feeling of losing energy, which all of us experience at one time or another, is the result of energy being chased away, dispersed from the five enormous natural centers of life and vitality. Any sense of gaining energy is due to the redeployment of energy previously dispersed from those centers. That is to say, the energy is relocated onto those five centers of life and vitality.”
Don Juan Matus told his three female disciples that the secondary functions of the womb, upon being awakened by the appropriate magical passes, give the sensorial input of discomfort, but that what takes place at an energetic level is the influx of energy into the vortex of the womb. Energy which has, up to this point, remained unused and on the periphery of the luminous sphere is suddenly dropped into that vortex.
(The Sorcerers’ Crossing by Taisha Abelar)
He picked up a twig and drew an oval shape on the soft ground. Then he added a horizontal line that transected it midway.
Pointing to the two partitions he explained that the double is divided into a lower and an upper section which correspond roughly in the physical body to the abdomen and chest cavities.
Two different currents of energy circulate in these two sections.
In the lower one circulates the original energy we had while still in the womb.
In the upper section circulates the thought energy which enters the body at birth with the first breath. He said that thought energy is enhanced by experience and rises upward into the head.
The original energy sinks down into the genital area.
Usually in life these two energies become separated in the double, causing weaknesses and unbalance in the physical body.
He drew another line, this time down the center of the elliptical shape, dividing it lengthwise into two, which, he stated, corresponds to the right and left sides of the body.
These two sides also have two specific patterns of energy circulation.
In the right side, energy circulates up on the frontal part of the double, and down on the back of it.
On the left side, energy circulates down on the frontal part of the double, and up on the back.
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