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(Power of Silence) “The nagual Elias had great respect for sexual energy,” don Juan said. “He believed it has been given to us so we can use it in dreaming. He believed dreaming had fallen into disuse because it can upset

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Dreaming Together

(The Eagle’s Gift) One day, in order to alleviate our distress momentarily, I suggested that we immerse ourselves in dreaming. As soon as I voiced my suggestion, I became aware that a gloom which had been haunting me for days could

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Deeper into Dreaming

(The Secret of the Plumed Serpent) Every morning doña Silvia would ask: “What did you dream last night?” At first I thought she was just having an informal chat, so I would reply with a string of inconsequential topics I thought I had

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The Dreaming Eye; Opening the Crack and Stepping into Another World

(The Second Ring of Power) “The Nagual told me that a warrior without form begins to see an eye. I saw an eye in front of me every time I closed my eyes. It got so bad that I couldn’t rest

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Uniformity and Cohesion

(The Art of Dreaming) Another topic of don Juan’s explanations was the indispensability of energetic uniformity and cohesion for the purpose of perceiving. His contention was that mankind perceives the world we know, in the terms we do, only because we

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