(The Universal Spiderweb by Armando Torres)
“To some apprentices, it’s easier than it is for others to move the assemblage point to heightened awareness,” he said. “It’s like a hypnotic order that, once activated, the learner enters immediately into another level of awareness and he remains there for some period of time.” I had a strong personal interest in that topic because I’d been going through life conflicted, with vague hints of near-memories. When an opportunity arose, I asked him:
“Which words are used as the order?”
“That’s up to the teacher, but it’s not always words. Sometimes the trigger is a gesture, like for example, a blow on the back,” he said and raised his eyebrows a couple times. “Once you become conscious of our possibilities as
luminous beings, you discover the great potential that we possess.”
“The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. What good is it to know useless things that can even be harmful, and to hinder the warrior’s path even more? This should be obvious, but it’s always good to remember: the best thing is to select carefully what you expose yourself to, and always choose what makes you grow; avoid toxic environments.”
“Disordered information out of context is just as pernicious as disinformation. Sometimes it’s better to be ignorant than to know erroneously because the ignorant have the opportunity to learn, while those who think they know will have difficulty accepting new ideas.”
“The difference between knowing and experiencing is how aware we are of ourselves and what we experience. Most people go through life like robots; they experience without ever paying attention to anything, so that they become an amorphous bag of undigested feelings and emotions. Only warriors deliberately cultivate self-awareness, so that, for them, each new experience is a challenge to stay conscious all the time.”
“But few are those who are willing to put their hand to the plow, to investigate and to experience for themselves. Most people are content to read books and attend conferences instead of doing all that work. Nevertheless, acting that way, they run the risk of relegating the personal and non-transferable work to a second level. That transforms many into mere scholars: readers, full of information, but without any experience at all. Of course that doesn’t make anybody a warrior, much less into a sorcerer; the clarity that they experience is only a point before their eyes, a deception.”
“Clarity is a consequence of a specific position of the assemblage point. When one concentrates their attention on a certain range of possibilities, the focus is stabilized in that position; that’s what makes one a specialist. As a result, that perceptive range is illuminated; it gains clarity, and aspects that previously were not noticed become evident and filled with meaning.”
“Some end up believing that it’s clairvoyance; however, in fact, it’s only a circumscribed clarity, an illusion. The danger of that kind of clarity is that it makes us blind to the existence of everything else. Clarity is an enemy that dazzles, and anyone who lets themselves be guided by it will end up in the claws of personal importance.”
“Clarity doesn’t provide automatic wisdom; rather, it’s an enemy to be conquered. One should take it for what it really is: a point in front of our eyes.”
“The specialist, if he’s not able to move on to action, will have difficultly achieving any results, becoming anything from a poet full of nostalgia to a bitter cynic loaded with resentment.”
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