The Nagual Carlos mentioned the Nagual Lujan more often than he did Julian, perhaps because Lujan was responsible for formulating the long forms that were demonstrated (and taught to some extent) in these sessions, and for emphasizing the importance of Tensegrity and movement in general.
Castaneda once mentioned that he had been talking to Taisha about how he imagined the Nagual Julian, who left in 1934, to look. Taisha told him there was a picture of the Nagual Julian in another world she often visited — a very finely detailed drawing. Castaneda shared what Taisha said with Florinda and was surprised when Florinda confirmed that she’d seen it too. Since then, Castaneda told us he had viewed the picture himself.
Secondly, whereas Castaneda described don Juan as “a big guy,” he said that the Nagual Julian was “a little guy, tubercular, with little feet, kind of short, very handsome, almost effeminate, but not really.” He said that Julian would endlessly tease don Juan because he was “so heavy, so fixed.” Since Castaneda was similarly heavy and fixed, don Juan had to do the same to him.
Castaneda told us that the Nagual Elias’s teacher, Rosendo, arranged for Elias and Amalia (Elias’s “cyclic being”) to be locked in a little room or recapitulation chamber of some kind in a mountain. Castaneda said that he had seen it, and that they literally “had a mountain on top of them.” They had them locked in there for months, “a few months,” because “they wanted to see what would happen with two cyclic beings recapitulating together.” There was just a little hole for their food and waste to pass through. After a few months, Rosendo’s party came and found Elias and Amalia were not there anymore. One day they had just gone. So Rosendo took it as his personal responsibility to go looking for them. It took him ten years to find Elias and Amalia again. [Castaneda did not tell us exactly where they were found, but it sounded like it was somewhere in the Inorganics’ realm.] When they found them, “the actual Elias and Amalia were too difficult to pull out — they were too entrenched, too stuck where they were.” But there were “these cyclic beings attached to them that were like Elias and Amalia in their energy,” that Rosendo was able to pull out. So he brought them back. The group accepted them as Elias and Amalia, “but they were slightly different.” This new Elias would take “dreaming journeys and come back with these objects.” These objects “were alive.” ‘Elias’ put them in his “room of inventions” that Florinda wrote about.
Castaneda said that in this room, there was something that looked like a bar that had “blue swivel chairs, bar stools, next to it, with triangular backs. They had incredibly comfortable seats” — they did not look like they would be but they were – but “you didn’t want to swivel around, because if you swiveled backward, you’d be facing infinity.” He described that sight as “these lines, this pink grid against a black background, and you’d go flying into it.” So Elias was around for another several years, and don Juan knew him for six years and could tell that he was different – that he was “not quite a real human being, in some sense.”
Castaneda told us that he had asked don Juan about UFOs. Don Juan laughed at him and responded that the idea that there could be other beings walking around looking something like humans — “two arms, legs, hands, a nose; a hominid type shape” — was “too outlandish.” Being different, “they would not last here, the earth itself would spit them out.”
Castaneda explained that, “The Earth is a sentient being and it protects itself. That is what happened to Elias. He and Amalia were just too different, and one day the Earth just spit them.” Amalia followed Elias by a few minutes when the Earth “spit him out.” So they left before the other members of Elias’s group. Castaneda told us, “There were only five in Elias’s party, so of the remaining three, two left with Julian, and there is still one around today, who is still alive, and that’s La Catalina.”
La Catalina, Castaneda said, “is 200 years old now.” She did not go with the others in Elias’s group, “she doesn’t know exactly how to go.” He explained that she is “fascinated being a worm.” He told us he found her “very scary.” He said that she told him, “I like you better than you like me. What a shame.” His response was, “Right!” She made him very nervous. Florinda, he told us, “knows a great deal about La Catalina,” and seemingly likes her. But, La Catalina “likes being a worm, because worms can fuck all the time.” She told him to try being a worm, but he does not want to. He asked her, “What happens if a bird comes by? Worms get eaten.” She responded that “that is why she has four husbands — when she’s a worm, they watch over her, to keep birds from getting her.” These four husbands “go in cycles” — “they will get too old so she has to replace them.” He claimed that he had “recently” met a pair of the new ones. He said, “I want to tell these guys, ‘Do you know what you’re doing?'” — because it is really “creepy” for him. “And they know what they’re doing,” he said.
As far as leaving, he told us that La Catalina is waiting for “some profound wave to take her.” He made it clear, however, that she is “not making much effort to leave.”
He advised us that we could “lose the hick” that is within us all forever by truly being able to listen to another person, no matter how crazy, repetitive or annoying they are. He told us that if we could “let go enough” to do that, we could become “truly elegant.”
Another day, he talked about the importance of deleting the insistent “me” voices that crowd out nearly every other input. He began by describing some objects in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City that could really “pull us,” if we were silent enough. He proposed to us that “you have enough energy and enough silence now” to be able to “let the objects do strange things to you.” He indicated that we could “see things,” images that we could not comprehend, and that the experience would continue for a week or so afterwards, with such images coming up also in “dreaming.” (He also told us that as long as we were not the central object of such dreams, he wanted to hear about them — that it was when we became “the center” of such dream images that it got “too weird.”) He further explained that, “If there is only one ‘me’ speaking, I could listen to you all night.” It was when there were two, or three “me’s,” that he had to say: “Forget it. Ciao. See you later. That’s not interesting.”
He suggested that we “try to keep it to no more than two ‘me’s'” — “If there is a third ‘me,’ get rid of it!” He told us we were at a point where we could tell when there were two or three “me’s.” Ideally, we “should get it down to one.” And if we could “get rid of the one, then you would be ‘silent.'”
He had asked don Juan if sorcery was the only system of beliefs in the world that could lead to freedom. Don Juan said he didn’t know and he didn’t care. Why should a being on his way to dying spend his time seeking out all the alternatives? Four billion years of evolution had led Carlos to the door of sorcery. Why not go through it? Carlos invited us to do the same.
Castaneda again described the woman guru in Malibu with the “huge assemblage point, twice the size of normal.” He described how he and his associates had learned “to move our assemblage point from behind our backs, to drop it down to the ground behind us, and to bring it up to here” [he pointed to his chest, near the sternum], “just as it is when we are born.” But “it’s different when we’re born, because then it’s unformed, like a raw egg. As we get older it looks like a chrysanthemum.” The woman with the huge assemblage point had “the beam of luminosity that runs from the assemblage point down to her toes focused tightly on that ‘me, me, me’ point between her feet.” This kind of intense focus is very heavy and hard to take for sorcerers. And Castaneda indicated that this was apparently the problem for the Argentine guy as well.
Castaneda commented that don Juan had never told them about this beam, which is “like a thick bar or tube in women, but broken in most women.” He claimed that, “Ninety percent of women today have a 12-inch or so section that is missing. Men are much more fragile yet.” (He again described and outlined the shape of the beam in men, like the back and neck of a swan, with a little curl at the end, resembling a swan’s beak.) “This can easily be broken at any point,” he explained. He told us it was Florinda who first identified this beam.
Castaneda explained that the beams that run from our assemblage points to our feet have “something to do with sexual energy,” and are easily broken. “A man is so fragile, he can lose it when he and his wife are starting to get physical and his wife sharply orders him to, ‘Turn out the light!”‘ Castaneda also joked that you can tell a guy is “in really bad shape” when “he calls his penis ‘Mommy.'”
Taisha is “unstoppable,” Castaneda said. He reminded us, “She was a beggar, you know, for about two years.” He imitated Taisha continuing to walk forward, staring ahead, while being repeatedly told, “No, Taisha, no, Taisha.” Castaneda told us he had first met her when she was “in the trees.” Don Juan asked him if he wanted to meet “the ape girl.” Don Juan pointed up to a tree, and Castaneda could not at first make her out. “She was hanging by her knees on a branch, and had army fatigues on.” He told us that Taisha swung down and shook his hand. Then she asked him if he wanted to come up. He replied, “No,” and imitated shaking his open hand politely, indicating, “I’ll pass.” Don Juan told him that she was “crazy,” and that if he went up there with her “she’d probably push you off from a high limb.”
Castaneda told us that Taisha “once was in love with this priest, Maurizio.” The guy “had peed on the chalice,” so he had been obliged to move away and had ended up “in this small Mexican town.” Castaneda described him as “very gaunt,” but “handsome in an elegant, emaciated way.” And “he always had two different shoes, or just socks on, or two or three socks on one foot and none on the other because he had ‘lost’ them, forgetting he had put them both on the same foot.” And he always wore pajamas. Castaneda described them as “neatly ironed so they appeared like some foreign suit. Like a Swedish suit.” And Taisha decided she was going to “cure him,” like she had been “cured.”
As Castaneda described it, Taisha and the ex-priest went out walking in the woods. The guy was “skipping with delight” to be there. “Taisha had it all planned, and when they got near where she had the harness set up, she hit him on the back. He was so emaciated, she easily knocked him out. Then she put on the harness and hauled him up into the trees. She followed up after him, soshe would be there when the man woke up. When he came to, he was even more deranged than before. He was frothing at the mouth, saying things against God, and cursing her as a ‘bitch’ and a ‘whore.’ She was trying to explain to him about the assemblage point, while he just cursed and spit. She told him if he would just love her and trust her, she could cure him.” Don Juan then came looking for Taisha, and Castaneda imitated her pointing up to the tree, crying and telling don Juan what she had done. They got the man down and don Juan “moved his assemblage point back to the original, ‘only mildly deranged'” position. Castaneda asked don Juan why he did not cure the man. Don Juan explained to him that when he put the ex-priest’s assemblage point back to “the habitual place of man,” there was “no ligament or muscle to hold it there.”
So Castaneda knew Taisha – “Taishacita” — for years. “They did lots of things together,” he told us. But all his memories of her were at “other positions” of his assemblage point. [Castaneda literally pointed to different positions all around the front of his legs that were other than man’s habitual point of focus on the ground.] Then one day at UCLA “a student came up to me and asked me to tell her ‘the meaning of anthropology.”‘ Castaneda told us that she had been referred to him by his fellow teaching assistant. He told us he did not recognize the woman at all. Then she told him, “and it better be good, because I’m ‘La Chava Change.'” (Castaneda explained that “chava” is northern Mexican slang for a “girl” or “young woman,” and that “chango” means “ape.”) When she said that, it suddenly came back to Castaneda who she was and all their prior interactions. He told us that he “started choking and gasping” with the sudden recollection. He asked her, “How can this be?”
He told us that it was “the same way” with Carol. He was driving somewhere “and a Mexican song came on, and suddenly I felt like it touched on some memory.” (He explained that Carol had played guitar and sung Mexican songs when he had first known her.) The next day he went out and bought the song and “played it repeatedly” until the full memory finally came back to him.
Castaneda explained that, “Women do not forget anything. But men have to move their assemblage point to the position of their prior experience to be able to recall something that happened at another position of the assemblage point.”
Castaneda mentioned at the end that there was going to be “a seminar for the women.” Carol is “very keen on it,” he told us, “and Florinda backs her up.” Taisha, he said, “just sort of goes along, or goes her own way.” She is “not really there. She’s become one of the inorganics.”
In the workshop, he told us, they intended “to show women how to direct the beam to their wombs,” and then to use that to “point to” any position of the assemblage point. Castaneda ‘admitted’ to us, sadly, that “I don’t have a womb, so I never even talked about it.” He explained that he had to use his “whole being,” and that that is why “I get so messed up.” He joked that he was thinking of “going to Tijuana, to get a womb implant.” He claimed he knew a man who claimed he was “so full of shit that he was ‘going to Tijuana to get a second asshole.”‘ Castaneda joked that, “I back him up.”
Castaneda warned us, “You can start expecting weird things to happen.” People get so afraid of losing control, he noted. “Are we really in control anyway? So why not lose control?”
A likely time “for it to happen,” Castaneda suggested, is “when you are on the toilet, very relaxed. Suddenly you’re somewhere else. Don’t get up, you’ll just end it,” he joked. He told us that don Juan joked about how afraid we are to have people see us on the toilet. When don Juan used to say this, Castaneda was afraid he would “lose it,” and “all my enemies would see me sitting on the toilet.” Castaneda noted that, even psychotic street people, who do a lot of other wacky things in public, “seem to avoid taking a crap in public.” He cautioned us that, if you are sitting there “and suddenly find yourself picking grapes, be cool and just keep picking.” He claimed that, eventually, “the energy body will tire of picking grapes and bring you back.”
Castaneda complained that, “We always want more. But not more of the same, we want something different. You take her to Disneyland, and then you have to go somewhere else. It’s always like that.”
Castaneda noted that “this [meaning the teaching of Tensegrity, and the workshops] is new . . . the sorcerers never worked with mass before.” The mass was potentially making our development faster. “As long as we don’t get egomaniacal,” he cautioned, “this could work.”
Castaneda claimed that none of the four disciples of don Juan were egomaniacal — don Juan had “removed it” from them. He told us that don Juan had claimed there was “a nail-like protrusion of energy” [the “egomania” prong, apparently] that don Juan had “pulled out of” them. Castaneda told us that he had been “looking for it in Kylie and I’ve never seen it. Maybe she swallowed it,” he joked. If he sees it on us, he promised he would “yank it out.” He jokingly told us not to worry “if I come up to you and pull on something.”
Castaneda demonstrated again – first on Kylie, then on Emmanuel – how one can use the left hand to disburse someone else’s energy. Castaneda first had the person hold their left leg up stiffly, easily resisting his attempts to push their leg down. After Castaneda made a movement toward the person with the palm of his left hand, he easily forced their leg down. He then showed us how to “re-energize” ourselves by rubbing the inside of the left ankle area with the right hand. He informed us that the spot on the lower left leg (that we rub in the Five Point Connection pass) is also very important. Then he warned that, “We need to rub the right side too, mainly so it does not try to get back at us for ignoring it,” by making us “fall down the stairs,” for example.
Castaneda explained that the passes are “for generating silence — whether it’s two seconds or two days” — so that we can “see.” The silence “breaks the flow” from our assemblage point to our feet.
Castaneda told us that don Juan would tell Castaneda his dreams “ad nauseam, for an hour or more, making up most of the details,” in order to distract Castaneda from his obsession with his own recent dream or nightmare. (He told us that don Juan would hesitate for a moment, catching Castaneda’s attention, and ask, “Where was I?” Castaneda would remind him, “You said you were on a white horse.” Don Juan would respond, “Yes, but it wasn’t really white, it was actually black.” Castaneda would counter, “But you said it was a white horse.” Don Juan would then explain, “Well, at first it was white, but then it changed into kind of a shitty color, an ochre.” Castaneda, fixating on the details, would ask, “An ochre horse?” And so on.) He also repeated the story about don Juan getting him to kick his cigarette habit by making him think they were lost in the desert for days, so that just surviving became more important to Castaneda than finding his cigarettes.
Castaneda mentioned that “I always look for earth constellations when I am navigating” to other worlds, but claimed he had never seen any. He told us he looks for Cassiopeia — “the W-shaped constellation.” He explained it contains “the Dog Star, Sirius, which is one of the brightest things in the sky. It’s really three stars, one behind the other, so that it seems especially bright from our vantage point here.” He has never found it when viewing the sky in other worlds, but offered the explanation that from another vantage point, it might just be “three stars that are not that bright.”
Florinda and Taisha had adopted very different means of dealing with their “owners,” as Taisha later explained at the August 1997 workshop.
Castaneda used them as examples because, he told us, his own mother had died when he was young. He repeatedly said that he was “lucky” in not having had to find the means on his own to break free from his mother’s control. (He did mention, jokingly, that don Juan used to insist that Castaneda would have found the means, if necessary, to “push her down the stairs,” but that since she was such a strong and forceful presence, Castaneda did not think he would
have had the will to resist her if she had lived. In a similar vein, he jokingly quoted George Bernard Shaw for the proposition that, “The best thing
we can do with our parents is to kill them.”) At any rate, he thanked the Spirit, “dear Senor,” for the fact that he was spared from having to deal with the “mother burden” that most of us have. He also once referred to mothers as “all Flyer.”
He explained that, in recapitulation, Taisha had realized that her mother had “done some terrible things to her in the name of motherhood.” Taisha’s final encounter with her parents ultimately involved brutally slapping her mother and then delivering a karate kick to her father when he arrived on the scene.
Castaneda noted that this approach “takes a lot of courage,” but that it is “too much.” He contrasted it with the “much more elegant and magical” approach Florinda had taken.
Castaneda did not, unfortunately, describe in detail the methods Florinda used with her parents. (Florinda’s books and lectures indicate that she initially cut off all contact with her family for a period of about ten years.)
He indicated that it had taken a lot of effort on her part, that Florinda had “trained her parents,” and the result was that “now she has them eating out of her hand.” When she occasionally called them, he said, they would fight over who gets more minutes with her. “She will talk with them for five minutes and the father will be keeping track with a stopwatch. If his wife got two and a half minutes and he only got two, he needs an extra half minute.”
Two techniques Castaneda shared with us during Sunday sessions. The first is the fact that most people we interact with, and parents in particular, think they already know a lot about us. This means that we can usually carry on “conversations” with them in which they do most of the talking. By merely responding vaguely and with little additional info to their relatively few queries, parents can come away from such “conversations” with the comfortable feeling that they “know” what you are doing and that you are the same person they have always known and “loved.”
The second practical action Castaneda shared with us involved parental hugs. He reminded us of a common complaint on the part of people who have just spent time with their parents – they feel drained and weak. Castaneda attributed this to the fact that parents have an energetic “key” to a lock, located on the luminous egg in the area in front of our abdomens, by which they can access something from us. He explained that this is why parents tend to be so big on receiving “hugs” from us. Castaneda said that warriors can, by thoroughly recapitulating and getting empty, alter this “lock,” so that the parental key no longer works. In the meantime, however, a practical measure is to avoid belly-to-belly contact with parents.
He demonstrated for us several alternatives, including wrapping one’s arms around one’s parents’ shoulders and hugging them flamboyantly from the side. (He also explained that this was not a concern in hugging siblings or others in our lives, only parents.)
Castaneda explained that compulsion is one of the only forces we have available to us. He mentioned again how he eats fruit compulsively — he cannot just eat one, he has to eat dozens — and how he used to smoke four packs a day. We need to use this force to “recapitulate compulsively.” He explained that the other force we have is fear. We can feel that we are above or outside of a lot of things, “but when real fear comes over us, there is no way out of it.”
When we look at our relationship with our parents through the recapitulation we can see that “they really didn’t like us and we really didn’t like them.” We cannot insist on being little girls and “boyyyys” likethis, “reporting to our parents forever.”
The “ideal child” in parents’ minds, Castaneda claimed, is one that “they can just feed and put to sleep. They can only deal with you when you’re sleeping. What they really want is that you wake up at 6 AM to be fed and that they can put you to sleep again until the next feeding, without any fussing or crying.”
He talked about what taxonomizers humans are, and said that to see what he is talking about we should read the French deconstructionists. He was looking for a particular name: Derrida. “It’s just pure taxonomy and utter crap. It’s not that the people who are doing it aren’t brilliant; they are. They’re just wasting their time on useless taxonomies.” He mentioned the name of a particular book, something like “Tower of Babel.” [I believe this is the title of a Derrida essay.] He said that Babel can mean “language” or “taxonomy” (as the deconstructionists tried to use it) but that it could also mean “confusion”, which was all the deconstructionists had succeeded in creating with their philosophy.
He also mentioned that there is an “overseer.” He said there is “It” or the spirit, and there are situations when you feel the effect of the spirit. But there is also an overseer. Deep in the earth or elsewhere there are alien forces that are very close to us in some way so that we can literally feel their presence. Don Juan, for example, “often experienced the lights suddenly coming on at his house.”
Castaneda and Kylie had recently been practicing the movements, and where there was a hole or depression in the floor, he suddenly saw this headless, large tombstone or oblong shape standing there. Kylie was so stunned and overcome by it that she could not continue practicing. Another time, also fairly recently it seemed, he and Kylie saw “the corner of a woman’s skirt twirl.” They chased after this image very fast to catch it, running two or three blocks, but it eluded them.
“You make a bid for these forces; if you feed ‘it’ and turn your back and go the other way, then it will somehow visit or make its presence known. If you recapitulate and give back to others their energy and take your own stuff back and then turn around and go on, this is a way of making a bid.”
Another example of the overseer that had just happened to them in the last couple of days took place at his house. Castaneda was practicing with two of the Energy Trackers. Florinda wanted to go shopping so they called him to send over the women. He told them to go, and he continued writing. A short time later he got another call from Florinda, who lived in the adjacent building, asking where the women were. He told her he had sent them sometime ago. He went looking for them and found them just standing next to the screen door looking out. He asked them why they were still there and they explained they were locked in. He saw that the door had been bolted from the other side. “This is not an easy door to lock and it requires two hand movements to maneuver the locking device,” he explained. He asked why they did not go out the other door. They said that it was locked too. This was very strange, and he said he would have had to have been crazy to have managed to lock those doors that way himself. So it is another way the overseer was manifested.
Castaneda introduced the subject of Corona Borealis and its importance to sorcerers. He explained that he needed our birthdays and the times we were born to figure out when the constellation Corona Borealis was at its zenith on the day we were born. The old sorcerers had always been guided by that particular constellation. When it was immediately above, they would take action. If they were born a few hours before Corona Borealis was at its zenith, when they had an impulse to do something, they would wait a few hours before taking action.
He described the constellation as a horseshoe shape, visible from the Northern Hemisphere, and said he would show us a diagram. Castaneda told us that his birthtime was almost a day before Corona Borealis was at the zenith, so he has to wait almost a day, or eight hours, when he has an impulse, and then “I either do it or I don’t.” But this practice gives him the space to act at the proper time. He told us that Corona Borealis had one dim star that made a triangle with two others. He said it was hard to see in a clear sky in the countryside in Mexico, but that “in our polluted atmosphere here it is easier to make out.”
He mentioned that the recapitulation makes us more fluid and that Tensegrity sustains it.
Castaneda mentioned that he himself was very close to the old sorcerers, and that the Nagual Elias had somehow brought the old sorcerers’ knowledge back more significantly into don Juan’s lineage. This was a new trend for the lineage, in experiencing more of what the old sorcerers experienced, and this was passed on to don Juan, since don Juan spent six years living with the Nagual Elias after the Nagual Julian had made him his apprentice. This was unusual in itself to have this kind of overlap between naguals. Elias taught don Juan a lot about this tradition, and don Juan taught Castaneda “not everything he knew, but certainly a lot of it.” So Castaneda now found himself “seeing strange things, experiencing things that the old sorcerers experienced.”
He also mentioned that there were alternative procedures to recapitulation, but that “they’re not as good.” The best way to develop a firm grounding is recapitulation.
He said that he had wanted to go with don Juan. Don Juan told him that he had to go by himself, and that, because Castaneda was going to have to stay, it would require all of Castaneda’s strength, cunning and will.
Castaneda explained that Corona Borealis was the most important of three constellations that were of interesttdsorcefefs of their lineage.
Corona Borealis’s importance, he explained, was at least twofold: (1) the time of day you were born relative to when Corona Borealis reached its zenith in the sky that day indicates whether you should take action immediately on an impulse to do something, or whether you need to first wait a certain period of time (determined by the length of time between when you were born and when the constellation reached its zenith on the day of your birth); and (2) “dreaming” at times when Corona Borealis is at its zenith in the sky can enable you to “enter other worlds.”
Castaneda also mentioned that the other two constellations sorcerers are interested in are Camelopardalis, a very long camel-shaped constellation, and Coma Berenices. I gathered that the latter two had more to do with “dreaming.”
“Corona Borealis has a pull for sorcerers. It’s about action. If you wait and do something at the point of Corona Borealis at the zenith, it may not be successful, but it will be a brilliant failure. Whatever you do, Corona Borealis has a pull.”
Florinda Donner confirmed that these three constellations had been a very serious topic for don Juan, and that he had made sure that each of his disciples kept track of where they were in the night sky.
Castaneda recommended getting a cushion, pillow or folded towel to place under our seats — “or your ‘b-b-b-b-buttocks’ as the British say,” he joked, explaining that Margarita “knows a lot of British people who have a hard time saying that word.”
Castaneda showed us how to sit with the soles of our shoeless feet touching and leaning forward with our elbows placed in between the two tendons by the knee. We grasped our hands loosely around the ankles with the thumb pressed into the notch by the Achilles tendon. He told us to buy dowels that are an inch and 3/8’s thick, and to have them “cut at the yard” so they are either fourteen inches or sixteen inches, depending on how tall our trunks are. We should rest our heads on them, after smoothing the surface of one end and putting a wash towel on top of the end to rest our head there. We can use this position to acquire moments of silence
While we sat in silence, we could hear someone whistling, rather creatively, outside. First it seemed disturbing, but Castaneda advised us, “Let the whistling take you … follow it.”
Castaneda told us to do the sitting in silence position every night, and suggested doing it compulsively and persistently. He imitated someone telling him, “You know, I’ve done it for a week now. Are you sure this is going to give me results? Well, five days really, but it’s been like a week. It’s been like an eternity.” He also joked that “you may sweat” while doing this, “so you’ve got to have a towel for the dowel.” Otherwise, he claimed, “you’ll end up getting a puddle on the floor.” He told us that some people could be “sweaty for an hour,” while others “are much looser, and can go off after a few minutes.” He joked that we should be “artistic” about it – meaning, from his reference earlier in the hour, “autistic,” or really compulsive.
The nagual told us that one of the most powerful not-doings one can practice is to alter your voice (he even had us doing things like putting small rocks in our mouths to make strange changes).
The Nagual always used to talk about the energy body being far away, or near by. He said that in sorcerers it was nearby, and that the more tensegrity we practiced the closer it got. He joked that OUR bodies were now in Hawaii, but before he came along they were in China.
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