(The Universal Spiderweb by Armando Torres)
“It’s obvious that there are commands that force us to be what we are, some of which are impossible to disobey; such is the case of breathing, of eating or sleeping, and there are others. However, even when they’re compelling forces, it’s still possible to escape them; such is the case of procreation, or choice of residence. Nobody dies from lack of sex. To be born in a certain place was destiny, but to live there is a choice. We’re not trees!”
“There are commands that were imprinted deeply in us since very early in our lives, when we were just infants. These stay there, engraved forever; this is the case with our language and culture. Because of that, we have a great responsibility to instruct the following generations wisely. There’s no better teaching method than that of repetition.”
“The manner of counteracting negative or undesirable commands is by applying the same method. Sorcerers know that the commands are orders that cannot be disobeyed, but they trust in the approval of the infinite of accepting substitute commands.”
“If the new command is carried out in a persistent way, this will replace the previous order, and it will become the will of the eagle. Through repetition, with time and practice, the warrior learns how to establish commands that are more favorable to his interests and will be heard by the spirit.”
“To mold the intent of the future, one can forge it, think it, desire it, or make offerings so that it comes true. You can even write it for yourself. What you can’t do, in any case, is to disclose it. When you comment to others on your intent, it gets diluted, and you’re left with nothing.”
“It’s very true that, when following the signs, one can foresee that things will happen in certain way, in such a way that, when understanding the ways of intent, one can venture to create commands to establish a predetermined future. Most of the time, it’s very easy to foresee the immediate result: if you throw a stone in the air, it will surely fall back. It logically follows that it’s possible to foresee the future with a high degree of certainty.”
“Sorcerers use their intelligence to design strategies so that they can achieve their objectives. It’s good to keep in mind that, despite the use of sorcery, one never knows exactly how things will happen since there are too many variables; therefore, you need to be flexible in face of exceptions. We have to recognize that we’re immersed in mystery, and the details take form in the moment.”
“Taking advantage of this knowledge, the warrior, instead of giving in to futile whims, intends a future to advance in his path that is almost never one of luxuries and wealth.”
“I never said that it’s bad to have money,” he said, in reply to a comment I’d made. “The bad thing is that once you enter the game it’s very difficult to shake off the addiction to the power of controlling other people’s lives, and one ends up too busy counting their money like a lunatic without time for anything else.”
“Only with the sobriety that time affords us can the warrior acquire the experience and necessary wisdom to make the correct decisions. Because of that, for the warrior there is only one possible choice: impeccability. Any other option would reduce his power and drive him to his death.”
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