CODE STANDING | Rev. 2: August 9, 2015 |
Set 1 – Mom and Dad
Opening: Horse stance.
Hands in front, palms facing each other, forearms angled downward at 45 degree.
Exhale; circle hands outward 6 times (inhale as you circle out, exhale as the hands circle in and come together).
Straighten legs, then back to horse stance.
Rub palms together briskly alternately 6 times, start with right hand thrusting out first, left hand in; inhale as the left hand comes back, exhale as the right hand comes back. Put palms together at chest (inhale) and thrust at 45 degrees down (exhale). Briskly separate palms. Elbows raised, bring fingers in front of the V-spot and vibrate to stir energy (inhale).
Pass no 1 (Foot Pivot)
Left palm faces right vital area, right palm faces right chest. Right foot pivots on the ball of the foot. Arms and legs in unison, move in “steps” to right as right hand skims left vital and left retreats; right heel up and in, left foot steps. Inhale as the right hand goes down, exhale as the left hand goes down. 6 times, mirror left.
Pass no 2 (Pull the rope)
Bend slightly at waist and pull a rope out of the center with both arms and cupped fingers to the vitals. Forming a fist there, then striking up, and to the sides with the soft part of the fist. Inhale as you come in to grab, exhale as strike out. 6 times.
Pass no 3 (Slapping Energy Centres, right hand first)
Raise right hand over the head and strike downward with the palm, fingers pointing left; at the same time stepping forward with the right leg. The palm strikes just in front of the thigh. The other hand rests open palm against the opposite thigh. Repeat stepping backward with the right leg. This completes one repetition. Inhale as the hand comes up, exhale as the hand comes down. Do 6 repetitions. Mirror left.
Closing: Same as opening except: forearms parallel to the ground; circle hands inwards.
Set 6 – Man and Woman:
- a) Stand in the basic Tensegrity stance: Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis tucked in, chin tucked in.
Elbows are up high, bent, at the height of the centre for decisions, parallel to the ground. Palms are facing the ground also at the height of the centre for decisions, fingertips are almost touching.
- b) Do 6 small backward shoulder rolls while breathing rhythmically and slowly.
- c) Place one hand in front of the other still at the height of the V spot.
Do backward rapid circles, hand over hand to a steady count of 6.
- d) From there open the chest inhaling and then as you exhale strike with fingers of both hands simultaneously to the area in front of the vital centres (about 15cm away from the body).
Tense the abdominal muscles as you pierce with the fingers.
Do six strikes in total.
As you strike the hands are crossed over each other left over right, then you un-cross and on the next strike the hands are crossed over each other right over left and so on. With each criss-cross strike you strike to an area lower than before so that by the 6th strike you are bent at the waist striking at the height of the thighs.
- e) Standing up straight palms come up almost cupping the ears and you strike downwards as fingers end at hip level pointing to the ground. Do this downward strike with both hands simultaneously 6 times in all.
The whole motion is like No16 Establishing the core of the energy body -Westwood series-Only the range of movement is a lot bigger starting from the ears and finishing by the hips.
- f) On the sixth strike lift the energy with both hands all the way up to the neck and rustle the fingers over the V spot.
Pass no 1 (Slide hand on thigh)
- a) Stand in the basic Tensegrity stance. Inhale and at the same time pull back right arm so that elbow is pulled backwards with the fingertips touching the right vital centre.
The right hand is cocked in the shape of a knife. (fig 366 MP)
- b) (Exhaling), the right hand always keeping contact with the body slides diagonally from the right vital centre towards navel.
At the same time the left knee rises to waist height as you prepare to take a step forward to the left.
The right hand continues its journey sliding from the navel onto the top of the left thigh , using it as a ramp it slides past the knee and projects the energy into infinity with a rising motion (exhaling all the air out).
- c) the left leg then lowers taking a step forward and the left heel plants itself onto the ground. At the same time the left and right hands get ready in knife positions by their respective vital centres.
- d) Repeat the pass with the left hand whilst taking a step forward with the right.
- e) Once again repeat the pass with the right hand and taking a step with the left.
You have now taken three steps forward.
- f) Repeat the whole process three more times but taking three steps back.
(6 steps in total).
The breathing throughout this pass is normal. Inhale and exhale in a natural way.
(The breathing indications for this pass, in brackets are optional; it is the way in which I understand the breathing).
Pass no 2 (Slapping Energy Centres, left hand first)
- a) From the basic Tensegrity stance inhale while raising the whole left arm behind you and over the head till the arm is hovering above the head and continue the movement downwards till the palm is at the height of the left vital centre in front of the body. (like no10 in Heat series MP).The fingers of the left palm should be facing to the right.
At the same time as the arm movement the left leg rises and the point of the toes touches the ground lightly in front of you. (Preparing to take a step).
- b) Exhaling the left leg takes a full step forwards, planting foot squarely on the ground while at the same time the right hand repeats the same movement that the left hand did and strike down towards the left vital centre.
- c) Repeat the whole pass but this time after the point of the toes of the left foot touches the ground lightly in front of you the step is backwards instead of forwards.
This pass is done three times forward and back with the left leg, then three times forward and back with the right leg.
There are two ways of doing the whole pass: a) Very slowly with deep breathing. -when inhaling and moving the arms and legs the body should feel weightless. When exhaling the whole body should feel centred and connected.
- b) The pass is done dynamically, fast using tendon energy. Use the lower abdomen muscles to keep a low centre of gravity.
When inhaling and raising the hands make the moves as big as possible so that the air is circulating throughout the body especially the shoulder blades. (Where we have hidden wings)
Pass No 3 (Slapping Energy Centres, both hands)
- a) Inhaling both hands rise above the head and then exhaling strike forcefully in front of the body at the height of the vital centres.(Like the first part of the last pass in the intent series No90 MP)The fingers of both hands point to each other palms facing the ground.
At the same time as you strike you step forwards with the left leg.
- b) Repeat the same hand movements but this time step back with the left leg.
Do this pass three times with the left leg (front, back, front, back, front, back) and three times with the right leg.
Again there are two ways of doing this pass: a) Very slowly with deep breathing. -when inhaling and moving the arms and legs the body should feel weightless. When exhaling the whole body should feel centred and connected.
- b) The pass is done dynamically, fast using tendon energy. Use the lower abdomen muscles to keep a low centre of gravity.
Essentially the same moves as in the opening but all the movements are done in the opposite direction.
- a) Stand in the basic Tensegrity stance: Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, pelvis tucked in, chin tucked in.
Elbows are up high, bent, at the height of the centre for decisions, parallel to the ground. Palms are facing the ground also at the height of the centre for decisions, fingertips are almost touching. - b) Do 6 small forward shoulder rolls while breathing rhythmically and slowly.
- c) Place one hand in front of the other still at the height of the V spot. Do forward rapid circles, hand over hand to a steady count of 6.
- d) From there open the chest inhaling and then as you exhale strike with fingers of both hands simultaneously to the area in front of the vital centres (about 15cm away from the body). Do six strikes in total. As you strike the hands are crossed over each other left over right, then you un-cross and on the next strike the hands are crossed over each other right over left and so on. With each criss-cross strike you strike to an area higher than before so that by the 6th strike you are standing up straight striking at a height slightly above the head.
- e) Standing up straight palms come down below the knees and you strike upwards as fingers flick energy up to the sky. Do this upwards strike with both hands simultaneously 6 times in all. The whole motion is like No16 Establishing the core of the energy body -Westwood series-Only the range of movement is a lot bigger starting from the knees and finishing high above the head.
- f) On the sixth strike bring the energy with both hands down to the neck and rustle the fingers over the V spot.
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